Church is more than a building, it’s being the hands and feet of Jesus. It’s disciples making disciples.


People are the heart of the Church. This ministry is involved in every aspect of your Sunday morning experience. From the moment you pull into the parking lot and are greeted by smiling faces to someone helping you find a seat in the service, people create the atmosphere. Consider joining the Connections Team and impact those around you with a smile.


Our core values here at Good News is Build Community. This wouldn’t be possible without classes, crews, or communities to jump into. You don’t have to know the Bible inside and out to facilitate a group, you just have to be willing. Consider joining the Discipleship Team and touch lives around you through something as simple as community.


Do you have an eye for detail? Enjoy planning parties or get togethers? From our Beach Baptism events, Backpack Blessing Tours, FriendsGiving get together, Serve Sowal opportunities, and more… a simple event can change someone’s life when they encounter Christ. Consider joining the Events Team where you will create environments that lead to memorable experiences.

Next Gen

The Next Generation is the Now Generation. Our students are impacting the world around them with every word and action. Good News believes in investing in the lives of the next generation so they can build their lives on the reality of Jesus. Consider joining the Next Gen Team to plant seeds of faith for the years to come.

Production & Worship

We were made to worship our Creator; it’s at the core of our DNA. Creating an element of worship where people can encounter Jesus is vital to our Sunday morning experience. If you enjoy the technical side of it or like to play/sing on stage, consider joining the Production/Worship Team.

If you feel called to serve in one of the areas listed above, please click the button below and one of our staff will be in touch to connect you to the ministry area of your choice!